Social Science Degree Plan | Social Science

Social Science Degree Plan

The Bachelor of Science with a major in Social Science (without Teacher's Certification) is an interdisciplinary major in which a student can choose courses from 9 social science departments across the university: Anthropology, Economics, Geography (Human Geography Only), History, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work. BS in Social Science

In this major, you will complete at least 18 semester hours in a primary study area (12 hours must be advanced) and an additional 30 semester hours in two or more complementary subject areas. Out of these 48 semester hours in the major, at least 27 semester hours must be taken at the advanced level.

In addition, 6 advanced hours in Other Course Requirements are required;3 advanced hours from Professional Communication; Research & Analytical methods and 3 advanced hours Global Leadership and Intercultural Perspectives. These 6 hours may not double dip with any courses taken toward the 48 hours of the major. See Other Course Requirement list

You may also participate in an internship and earn academic credit while gaining valuable work experience. The Social Science major has an internship course (UCRS 4800) designed specifically for students in this major.

You could be on the fast track to success with the insights you gain while studying in our Social Science program. You will have a greater understanding of societal needs, diverse cultures and individual responsibility. Your viewpoints could prove vital to how a company or organization operates.

Social Science majors also complete all the requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree, including 120 semester hours (at least 30 must be taken at UNT), 42 advanced semester hours (24 advanced must be taken at UNT, 12 of which in the major), all General University Requirements and all University Core. and 6 advanced hours specific to the degree

Marketable skills for this degree include interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skill areas, that are valued by employers, and are primary or complementary to the major. The marketable skills goal was designed to help students articulate their skills to employers. UNT's marketable skills were faculty-developed and approved by employers or discipline-specific agencies, e.g., internship providers, chambers of commerce, workforce development boards, and other workforce-related entities. For information on these marketable skills -